Contact | Birds of Cuba

Birds of Cuba, Vagrant Visitors, Introduced Birds and Possibilities

Least Flycatcher

Moucherolle tchébec

Empidonax minimus

Birds of North America
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Life, Habitat & Pictures of the Least Flycatcher

B L W W W Family Latin Name
5.25" 13.3cm 7.75" 19.7cm 0.4oz 11.3g Tyrannidae Empidonax minimus

  • Breeding
  • Year Around
  • Winter
Least Flycatcher range

The Least Flycatcher is one of the smallest members of the flycatcher family. This small grey-greenish bird is often overlooked while it spends its time seeking out insects in the foliage of the trees. It nests in the central regions of North America. During the winter months, it migrates mainly into Mexico and stays in some of the extreme southern US states. It has been a rare visitor to Cuba.

Birds of Cuba